Celina Castillo

  • Getting Comfortable With Your OB/GYN

    Being pregnant is an immensely exciting and time. In every stage of your pregnancy, you'll be heading to the doctor for various checkups and procedures which will help to ensure you and your baby's health. Much of the time, you'll be seeing an obstetrician. These are doctors trained in every aspect of pregnancy care, including post-partum. As you'll be attending these appointments so often, is it important to keep seeing the same doctor?
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  • A Brief Guide to Age-Related Macular Degeneration

    Age-related macular degeneration is an eye condition that is most common in older adults, and which affects the middle part of the vision. It does not usually cause complete blindness, but makes certain activities, such as reading, a lot harder. There is no known cause, though it is more common in those with a family history of the condition. This guide explains macular degeneration in more detail, from the symptoms to treatment and prevention.
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  • How to Make Sure Your Child's Ear Tubes Do Their Job

    If your young child has been suffering from repeated ear infections, their paediatrician may have recommended ear tube surgery. Ear tubes are hollow plastic or metal cylinders that are small enough to fit into your child's eardrum. They help reduce recurring infections by allowing air flow in and out of your child's middle ear, reducing the fluid buildup that leads to infections. Ear tubes are a great way of keeping your child's ears healthy while their anatomy develops.
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  • Sexual Health Clinic: Top Diseases to Be Wary Of

    Having to deal with a sexually transmitted disease is something that will make most people feel alarmed and uncomfortable. Not only would you have to engage in awkward conversations with your sexual partner, but you would also have to contend with the cost of seeking treatment. As such, some people simply tend to ignore their sexual health, assuming that if they do not think about it, they do not have to worry about it.
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  • Understanding Cosmetic Dentistry

    Cosmetic dentistry refers to an area of professional dental care that improves the appearance of the teeth, gums and rectifies incorrect bite.  Any trained dentist can carry out a basic cosmetic procedure such as teeth whitening, but most dentists specialising in cosmetic dental work have completed specialised additional training in the field of cosmetic dentistry. Trained cosmetic dentists utilise the latest techniques in providing treatment for people that require more complex cosmetic procedures such as dental veneers, dental crowns, dental implants, bridges, smile makeovers etc.
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  • Overcoming Cardiovascular Disease

    Sometimes referred to as CVD, cardiovascular disease is among the top public health issues in Australia. According to the Heart Foundation, over 45,000 deaths in the country are accounted for by this range of conditions in a typical year. Well over half a million people will be hospitalised in Australia per annum because of it. Therefore, tackling heart disease is of huge importance to medical professionals and the public alike. What are types of CVD and some signs of this deadly condition which so heavily impacts health care resources?
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  • Understanding Vasculitis

    Vasculitis is a serious condition that occurs when your body's immune system starts attacking your arteries. This causes inflammation and scarring along the walls of the affected arteries, which leads to a decrease in blood flow through your arteries. Sufferers tend to experience periods when their symptoms flare up and periods of remission, but the damage done during a flare-up does not resolve during remission. Here's what you need to know about vasculitis:
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  • Apps That Can Assist Young Children With Hearing Loss

    When it comes to technology assisting a child with hearing loss, it needn't stop at their hearing aid device. As long as you have access to a smartphone or tablet, your baby or toddler can also benefit from a wide range of fun (and often free) apps that use sign language and picture games to assist their development. If you have a young child who is deaf or hard of hearing, the following apps can help to educate and entertain them in equal measure.
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  • Road to Recovery: How Your Occupational Therapist Can Prepare You for Driving After a Stroke

    Stroke patients are normally told that they should not drive for at least one month after suffering a stroke. Depending on the severity of the stroke, this waiting period can be much longer, in which time stroke survivors can understandably become increasingly nervous and even terrified at the prospect of driving again. Thankfully, the very same occupational therapist who aids and assesses your mobility at home can also assess the same of your physical and neurological ability to drive again.
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  • How to Fix the Poor Communication in Your Marriage

    Marriage is no easy thing. You have to work at it every day, and, truthfully, what might work for one couple might not work for another. But just because you fall on hard times, this doesn't mean that you don't have a relationship worth salvaging. In many instances, the thing can cause a marriage to break down is a lack of communication, or poor communication. After all, if you can't let each other know how you feel, how can you ever really work to resolve each other's problems or be on the same page?
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